AR-15 (M4)

BPRO shooting range

The AR-15 rifle is one of the most widespread and well-known firearms today. Originally designed as a civilian weapon, it served as the basis for military rifles like the M4 and M16. The original version was designed in the 1950s, and since then, numerous upgraded and modernized versions have been developed. Its various versions are used worldwide by armed forces and law enforcement agencies, and it’s also among the most popular firearms among civilians. Its ease of customization and versatility make it suitable not only for military use but also for hunting, sport shooting, and personal defense.


Battlefield, GTA, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Far Cry, Call of Duty, Escape from Tarkov


Terminator (1984), Scarface (1983), John Wick sorozat, Sicario (2015), és még nagyon sok.



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