About us BPRO

BPRO Training center

The B-Pro Training Center is located in Ferencváros, Budapest, and is home to an outdoor, grassy, partially covered shooting range usable in all seasons. Currently, the range consists of 3 sectors (25×15 m; 20×15 m; 15×15 m) offering dynamic shooting opportunities over 180 degrees, with caliber restrictions up to .50 BMG. Additionally, there is a 20-person conference room available.

The range

BPRO Training center

Bpro team

BPRO Training center


BPRO Training center

Training programs

Learn and evolve

The B-Pro Training Center offers customized training courses to its clients in various fields, including personal protection courses, advanced security management courses, basic and advanced firearms courses, maritime and river security courses, combat medic courses, countermeasures courses, security guard training, and courses related to valuables transportation.

Those who have already chosen us

Our partners

Budapest Police Headquarters

National Bureau of Investigation

MH vitéz Bertalan Árpád 1. Különleges Műveleti Dandár

The Parliamentary Guard

National Tax and Customs

Hungarian Rail Services

Magyarországi Fegyveres Biztonsági Őrök Szakmai Egyesülete FBŐ

KFKI Campus

MBH Bank

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